Luna Dental Astoria is a dental clinic located in Astoria, NY that offers a range of dental services, including crown and bridge replacement.
How long do dental crowns and bridges last?
Dental crowns and bridges can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. The lifespan of a crown or bridge will depend on factors such as the quality of the materials used, the location of the crown or bridge in the mouth, and the patient’s oral hygiene habits. With regular checkups and cleanings, as well as good oral hygiene practices at home, dental crowns and bridges can last 10-15 years or more.
Is it better to have a crown or a bridge?
The decision to have a crown or bridge will depend on the individual patient’s needs. A crown is typically used to cover and protect a damaged or weakened tooth, while a bridge is used to replace one or more missing teeth. The best option will depend on the location and condition of the tooth or teeth being treated.
How can I have my dental bridge replaced?
Dental bridges may also need to be replaced if they become damaged or loose. Your dentist can evaluate the condition of your bridge and recommend whether replacement is necessary.
If your dental bridge needs to be replaced, your dentist will need to remove the existing bridge and prepare the teeth for the new bridge. A new bridge will then be fabricated and placed over the prepared teeth.
Can a dental bridge be recemented?
If a dental bridge becomes loose or comes off, it may be possible to recement the bridge in place. Your dentist can evaluate the condition of your bridge and recommend the best course of action.
Can a dental crown be removed?
Dental crowns can be removed by a dentist or oral surgeon at Luna Dental Astoria, NY, although this is not typically done unless the crown is damaged or needs to be replaced. Dental crowns may need to be replaced if they become damaged, loose, or worn over time. Your dentist can evaluate the condition of your crown and recommend whether replacement is necessary.